Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Before you start judging me about the fact that I'm posting about the "teenage vampire saga", hear me out. I have a strong love/hate relationship with the series. The order in which I prefer these books are as follows:

1. Eclipse
2. Breaking Dawn
3. Twilight
4. New Moon

I'll preface this by saying that I'm a closet fan. I hate how entrancing this series is. I abhor that I couldn't put any of the books down once I started them, including New Moon.
Also, I'm Team Jacob. I have nothing against the vampires; I don't consider the Cullens to be "blood-sucking leeches". Edward sounds gorgeous, I'll admit. (I say "sounds" because the movies are awful representations of the books.) And this sounds cliché because it's the same reason my fellow teammates worldwide give for not liking Edward: he left. My reasons are different, however. Those other girls say that if Edward truly loved Bella, he wouldn't have left her there alone. I do realize Edward's concern. He realizes that his 'family' sucks, literally. And Jasper really, really wants to suck Bella's blood. Here are the things I don't understand. First of all, why the   monkeys would he choose Bella? Why the monkeys would ANYONE choose Bella? C'mon! She's boring! Everything about her exudes "damsel in distress". She's not the main character; she exists to make Edward look amazing and make Jacob look like a desperate idiot. And Stephanie Meyer succeeds in this. Second of all, if Edward is really almost a century old, shouldn't he know that his family will like the smell of Bella's blood? I'm not even a legal adult and I knew that. Thirdly, he's with Bella because she smells good. Way to build a strong relationship there. Lastly, Edward leaving was a little too relevant in my own life at the time that I read it. Last summer, my '09 Senior friends and friendliers left for college. It was hard to see them go, especially the ones that said they would leave. The literally dismissal wasn't as much of a shock or a disappointment as the figurative one. When people that you love so dearly leave for bigger and better things, you have to accept it and encourage them. But when they stop contacting you, it's difficult. I guess that's why I like New Moon least.
I like Eclipse best for the sole reason that Edward and Jacob have to share a tent. It's the best scene ever. That is all.

Later Days


Unknown said...

Haha I must agree on most of your points. That is also the order I like the books in, but I like Eclipse best just because of the turmoil that surrounds it. (Though that tent scene does make the book) I'm also Team Jacob and I wonder why we have never discussed this topic in one our lengthy Skype conversations... hmm.

WV: fulti